
THD Partner with MASIC for 2020 Clinician Education Days

THD UK agree sponsorship for MASIC (Mothers with Anal Sphincter Injuries in Childbirth) Education Events

THD UK will attend the MASIC education events across 2020 by way of speakers and workshops. MASIC roll out a multi-disciplinary educational programme for Midwives, Health Visitors, General Practitioners, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Psychiatrists Sexual Health Practitioners, Colorectal Nurses, Urogynaecologists, Physiotherapists, Physiologists and Counsellors. Professional awareness will focus on an understanding of: risk factors, psychological sequelae, avoidable injury, immediate detection and repair at birth, early identification and treatment of mothers with symptoms, counselling for the husband/partner, developing self-help strategies and new technologies for treatment.

An anal sphincter (AS) injury affects many first-time mothers who give birth vaginally. Over 10% of mothers having a baby through the birth canal can develop some form of anal incontinence (AI). The risk is even higher when having a first baby.
This can present itself as inability to hold flatus (wind) or stool (faeces). There may be urgency issues and associated anxiety. Mothers rarely volunteer information about their injury because of the embarrassment and associated social stigma. They often suffer in silence and are very alone.
Depression, Anxiety and a multitude of psychological effects may also impact heavily on a woman with an AS injury. This condition not only affects the woman but has a ripple effect that can damage family relations, bonding and physical contact not only with the partner but also with the child. Isolation, degradation and irritability are at the forefront of women with AI.

“The MASIC Foundation aims to reduce the incidence of birth injury as well as helping new mothers who may be suffering in silence from its symptoms which are too often hidden in society. These issues are crucial to the future wellbeing of women and their families, which I strongly support.”
Baroness Cumberlege, Head of the National Maternity
